Bài Tập Chuyên Sâu Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 5 Our Experiences Có Đáp Án


Bài tập chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh 9 unit 5 Our experiences có đáp án được soạn dưới dạng file word và PDF gồm 24 trang. Các bạn xem và tải về ở dưới.



Stt Word Type Pronunciation Meaning
1 amazing (adj) /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ ngạc nhiên ở mức đáng ngưỡng mộ
E.g. Rain forests are filled with amazing creatures. Rừng mưa nhiệt đới chứa đầy những sinh vật tuyệt vời.
2 army-like (adj) /ˈɑːmi-laɪk/ như trong quân đội
E.g. My son attended an army-like course last year. Năm ngoái con trai tôi đã tham gia một khoá học như trong quân đội.
3 astounding (adj) /əˈstaʊndɪŋ/ làm sửng sốt, làm kinh ngạc
E.g. The performance was an astounding success. Buổi biểu diễn đã thành công một cách đáng kinh ngạc.
4 brilliant (adj) /ˈbrɪliənt/ rất ấn tượng, rất thông minh
E.g. Her performance was truly brilliantMàn trình diễn của cô ấy thực sự xuất sắc.
5 campus (n) /ˈkæmpəs khuôn viên trường học
E.g. He lives on the campusAnh ấy sống trong khuôn viên trường.
6 complex (n) /ˈkɒmpleks/ khu liên hợp, quần thể
E.g. They live in a large apartment complexHọ sống trong một khu liên hợp lớn.
7 confidence (n) /ˈkɒnfɪdəns/ niềm tin, sự tin tưởng, sự tự tin
E.g. She’s completely lacking in confidenceCô ấy hoàn toàn thiếu tự tin.
8 coral reef (n) /ˈkɒrəl ri:f// rạn san hô
E.g. Coral reefs are particularly sensitive to human-caused ocean changes. Các rạn san hô đặc biệt nhạy cảm với những thay đổi của đại dương do con người gây ra.
9 eco-tour (n) /iːkəʊ- tʊə(r)/ du lịch sinh thái
E.g. We are now more aware of environment protection after we took an eco-tourBây giờ chúng tôi nhận thức rõ hơn về việc bảo vệ môi trường sau khi tham gia chuyến du lịch sinh thái.
10 embarrassing (adj) /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋ/ bối rối, ngượng ngùng, xấu hổ
E.g. It was so embarrassing to sing in public. Thật ngại khi hát trước đám đông
11 exhilarating (adj) /ɪɡˈzɪləreɪtɪŋ/ đầy phấn khích
E.g. My first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience. Lần nhảy dù đầu tiên của tôi là một trải nghiệm thú vị.
12 experience (n) /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ sự trải nghiệm, kinh nghiệm
E.g, I have over ten years’ experience as a teacher. Tôi có hơn mười năm kinh nghiệm làm giáo viên.
13 explore (v) /ɪkˈsplɔː(r)/ khám phá, tìm tòi, học hỏi
E.g. As soon as we arrived on the island we were eager to exploreNgay khi đặt chân đến đảo, chúng tôi háo hức khám phá.
14 fauna (n) /ˈfɔːnə/ tất cả động vật của một khu vực
15 flora (n) /ˈflɔːrə/ tất cả thực vật của một khu vực
E.g. This local flora and fauna is very diverse. Hệ thực vật và động vật ở địa phương này rất đa dạng.
16 helpless (adj) /ˈhelpləs/ cần giúp đỡ, không thể tự lực
E.g. Children are the most helpless victims of war. Trẻ em là nạn nhân bất lực nhất của chiến tranh.
17 lack (n, v) /læk/ sự thiếu, thiếu
E.g. Passengers complained about the lack of information when flights were cancelled. Hành khách phàn nàn về việc thiếu thông tin khi chuyến bay bị hủy.
18 learn by rote phr. /lɜːn baɪ rəʊt/ học vẹt, thuộc lòng
E.g. I couldn’t answer his question because I learned by roteTôi không thể trả lời câu hỏi của anh ấy bởi vì tôi chỉ học vẹt.
19 memorable (adj) /ˈmemərəbl/ đáng nhớ
E.g. The holiday provided many memorable moments. Kỳ nghỉ đã mang lại nhiều khoảnh khắc đáng nhớ.
20 performance (n) /pəˈfɔːməns/ buổi biểu diễn
E.g. The performance starts at seven. Buổi biểu diễn bắt đầu lúc bảy giờ.
21 picturesque (adj) /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk/ đẹp, gây ấn tượng mạnh (phong cảnh)
E.g. She lives in a very picturesque village in Suffolk. Cô ấy sống trong một ngôi làng đẹp như tranh vẽ ở Suffolk.
22 seabed (n) /ˈsiːbed/ đáy biển
E.g. The ship has been lying on the seabed for more than 50 years. Con tàu đã nằm dưới đáy biển hơn 50 năm.
23 snorkelling (n) /ˈsnɔːkəlɪŋ/ lặn có sử dụng ống thở
E.g. We are interested in going snorkellingChúng tôi rất thích đi lặn sử dụng ống thở
24 theme (n) /θiːm/ chủ đề, đề tài
E.g. Environment protection is the main theme of this year’s festival. Bảo vệ môi trường là chủ đề chính của lễ hội năm nay.
25 thrilling (adj) /ˈθrɪlɪŋ/ rất phấn khích, rất vui, gay cấn
E.g. The game had a thrilling finale, with three goals scored in the last five minutes. Trận đấu diễn ra gay cấn ở những phút cuối với 3 bàn thắng được ghi trong 5 phút cuối.
26 touching (adj) /ˈtʌtʃɪŋ/ gây xúc động, tạo càm giác đồng cảm
E.g. It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears. Đó là một câu chuyện cảm động khiến nhiều người trong chúng tôi rơi nước mắt.
27 tribal dance (n) /ˈtraɪbl dɑːns điệu nhảy dân tộc
E.g. We enjoyed tribal dances at the communal house at night. Chúng tôi thưởng thức những điệu nhảy dân tộc tại nhà Rông vào ban đêm.
28 spectacular (adj) /spekˈtækjələ(r)/ đẹp mắt, ngoạn mục, hùng vĩ
E.g. There was a spectacular sunset last night. Có một cảnh hoàng hôn tuyệt đẹp vào chiều tối qua.
29 unpleasant (adj) /ʌnˈpleznt/ không thoải mái, không vui vẻ
E.g. Last week’s vacation was an unpleasant experience. Kỳ nghỉ tuần trước là một trải nghiệm không vui vẻ.


Words Related words Transcription Meaning
amazing (adj)

ngạc nhiên, kinh ngạc

amazement (n) /əˈmeɪzmənt/ sự ngạc nhiên, kinh ngạc
amazed (adj) /əˈmeɪzd/ ngạc nhiên, kinh ngạc
amaze (v) /əˈmeɪz/ làm kinh ngạc
amazingly (adv) /əˈmeɪzɪŋli/ một cách kinh ngạc
astounding (adj)

làm sững sờ, làm sửng sốt, làm kinh ngạc

astound (v) /əˈstaʊnd/ làm kinh ngạc, làm kinh hoàng
astoundingly (adv) /əˈstaʊndɪŋli/ một cách kinh ngạc, kinh hoàng
confidence (n)

niềm tin, sự tin tưởng, sự tự tin

confident (adj) /ˈkɒnfɪdənt/ tin tường, chắc chắn, tự tin
confidential (adj) /ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃl/ tế nhị, kín, bí mật
embarrassing (adj)

làm ai bối rối, ngượng ngùng

embarrass (v) /ɪmˈbærəs/ xấu hổ, lúng túng
embarrassed (adj) /ɪmˈbærəst/ cảm thấy xấu hổ, ngượng ngùng
embarrassingly (adv) /ɪmˈbærəsɪŋli/ một cách xấu hổ, ngượng ngùng
embarrassment (n) /ɪmˈbærəsmənt/ sự xấu hổ, ngượng ngùng
explore (v)

khám phá, tìm tòi, học hỏi

exploration (n) /ˌekspləˈreɪʃn/ sự thăm dò, sự thám hiểm
exploratory (adj) /ɪkˈsplɒrətri để thăm dò, thám hiểm
explorer (n) /ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)/ người thăm dò, người thám hiểm
helpless (adj)

cần giúp đỡ, không thể tự l

helplessness (n) /ˈhelpləsnəs/ tình trạng không tự lực được
helplessly (adv) /ˈhelpləsli/ một cách bất lực
help (v) /ˈhelp/ giúp đỡ
helpful (adj) /ˈhelpfl/ giúp đỡ, giúp ích, có ích
helpfully (adv) /ˈhelpfəli/ một cách có ích
helpfulness (n) /ˈhelpflnəs/ sự có ích
helper (n) /ˈhelpə(r)/ người giúp đỡ
memorable (adj) đáng nhớ memorably (adv) /ˈmemərəbli/ đáng ghi nhớ
memorial (n) /məˈmɔːriəl/ đài tưởng niệm
memorial (adj) /məˈmɔːriəl/ để ghi nhớ, để tưởng niệm
memory (n) /ˈmeməri/ ký ức, trí nhớ
memorize (v) /ˈmeməraɪz học thuộc lòng, ghi nhớ
performance (n) buổi biểu diễn perform (v) /pəˈfɔːm/ biểu diễn
performer (n) /pəˈfɔːmə(r) người biêu diễn
performative (adj) /pəˈfɔːmətɪv/ biểu hiện
unpleasant (adj)

không thoải mái, không vui vẻ

unpleasantly (adv) /ʌnˈplezntli/ một cách không hài lòng
unpleasantness (n) /ʌnˈplezntnəs/ cảm giác không hài lòng
pleasure (n) /ˈpleʒə(r)/ sự hài lòng
pleasant (adj) /ˈpleznt/ vui vẻ, dễ chịu
please (v) /pliːz/ làm vui lòng, làm hài lòng



Cấu trúc (+) S + have/ has + V3/V-ed +…

(-) S + have/ has + not + V3/V-ed +…

(?) Have/ Has + S + V3/V-ed +…

       Wh-question + have/ has + S + V3/V-ed…?

Cách dùng – Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ mà không biết rõ thời điểm và đã hoàn thành ở hiện tại.

– Diễn tả kinh nghiệm, trải nghiệm (never, ever…)

– Diễn tả hành động vừa mới xảy ra, hoặc vừa mới kết thúC.

– Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ và còn kéo dài đến hiện tại hoặc tương lai.

Dấu hiệu

nhận biết

– since + mốc thời gian

– for + khoảng thời gian

– ever, never, already, yet, just, recently, lately

– so far, up to now, up to present

– the first/ second/ third.. .time


1. My parents have bought an expensive car.

(Ba mẹ tôi đã mua một chiếc xe hơi đắt tiền.)

2. Sarah hasn’t talked to me since we argued.

(Sarah đã không nói chuyện với tôi kể từ khi chúng tôi cãi nhau.)

3. My friends and I have played this game more than 4 times.

(Bạn tôi và tôi đã chơi trò chơi này hơn 4 lần rồi.)

4. This is the first time I have watched this movie.

(Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi xem bộ phim này.)

5. She is the smartest girl I have ever met.

(Cô ấy là cô gái thông minh nhất tôi từng gặp.)

6. I’ve lost my phone, so now I can’t contact anyone. 

(Tôi đã làm mất điện thoại nên giờ tôi không thể liên lạc với bất kỳ ai.)


Dạng 1: (Đã không làm gì trong bao lâu ⟶* Đã bao lâu từ lần cuối làm gì)

S + have/ has + not + V3/V-ed + for + khoảng thời gian

⟶ It’s + thời gian … since …+ last + QKĐ (khẳng định)

E.g. I haven’t seen my father for one month.

(Tôi đã không gặp bố của tôi khoảng 1 tháng.)

⟶ It is one month since I last saw my father.

(Đã một tháng kể từ lần cuối tôi gặp bố tôi.)

E.g. Anna hasn’t had her hair cut for over three months.

(Anna đã không cat tóc hơn 3 tháng rồi.)

⟶ It is three months since Anna last had her hair cut.

(Đã 3 tháng kể từ lần cuối Anna cắt tóc.)

Dạng 2: (Chưa bao giờ làm việc này trước đó ⟶ Lần đầu tiên làm việc này)

S + have/ has + not + V3/V-ed + before.

⟶ This is + the first time + S + have/ has + V3/V-ed

E.g. I haven’t seen that man here before.

(Tôi chưa bao giờ gặp người đàn ông đó ở đây trước đó.)

⟶ This is the first time I have met that man here.

(Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi gặp người đàn ông đó ở đây.)

E.g. This is the first time I have read this book.

(Đây là lần đầu tiên tôi đọc cuốn sách này.)

⟶ I haven’t read this book before.

(Tôi chưa bao giờ đọc cuốn sách này trước đó.)

Dạng 3: (Đã không làm việc gì từ khi nào/ khoảng bao lâu ⟶ lần cuối làm việc gì là khi nào)

Cấn trúc 1: S + have/ has + not + V3/V-ed + since / for + …

⟶ S + last + V-ed …+ago.

⟶ The last time + S + V-ed + was + thời gian

Cấu trúc 2: S + last + V-ed + WHEN + S + V-ed.

                ⟶ S + have/ has + not + V3/V-ed + SINCE + S + V-ed

E.g. I haven’t heard about him since August.

(Tôi đã không nghe tin tức về anh ta từ tháng Tám.)

⟶ The last time I heard about him was in August.

(Lần cuối tôi nghe tin tức về anh ta là vào tháng Tám.)

E.g. I haven’t seen him for 2 years.

(Tôi đã không gặp anh ấy khoảng hai năm rồi.)

 I last saw him 2 years ago.

(Lần cuối tôi gặp anh ta là 2 năm trước.)

E.g. I last saw him when I was in grade 4.

(Lần cuối cùng tôi gặp anh ta là khi tôi học lớp 4.)

⟶ I haven’t seen him since I was in grade 4.

(Tôi đã không gặp anh ta từ khi tôi học lớp 4.)

Dạng 4: (Đã làm gì khoảng bao lâu ⟶ bắt dầu làm việc này từ bao lâu trước đó)

S + have/ has + V3/Ved + for + thời gian.

⟶ S + began/ started + V-ing + thời gian + ago.

E.g. I have worked here for ten years.

(Tôi đã làm việc ở đây khoảng 10 năm.)

⟶ I began working here ten years ago.

(Tôi bắt đầu làm việc ở đây 10 năm trước.)

⟶ It started raining two days ago.

(Trời bắt đầu mưa từ 2 ngày trước.)

⟶ It has rained for two days.

(Trời đã mưa khoảng 2 ngày rồi.)

Dạng 5: (Làm việc gì khi nào ⟶ đã làm việc đó khoảng bao lâu)

When + did + S + V?

⟶ How long have/ has + S + V3/Ved…?

E.g. When did you buy this car?

(Cậu mua chiếc ô tô này khi nào vậy?)

⟶ How long have you bought this car?

(Cậu đã mua chiếc ô tô này bao lâu rồi?)


SOUND /j/ and /w/

1. SOUND /j/

1.1. Cách phát âm âm /j/

Loại âm /j/ là một phụ âm hữu thanh
Cách phát âm Bước 1: Để môi hở nhẹ và lưỡi ở vị trí thả lỏng tự nhiên.

Bước 2: Cong lưỡi và nâng thân lưỡi lên phía vòm lợi nhưng không chạm vào ngạc cứng đồng thời đặt đầu lưỡi phía sau răng cửa dưới và phát ra âm /j/.

* Lưu ý: Đây là một phụ âm hữu thanh nên thanh quản rung khi bạn phát âm âm này. Để kiểm tra xem mình phát âm có đúng không. Đặt bàn tay lên cổ họng và kiểm tra độ rung.

Hình minh hoạ
Ví dụ use /ju:z/ sử dụng
new /nju:/ mới
year /jɪə(r)/ năm
yolk /jəʊk/ lòng đỏ trứng
yes /jes/ đúng, dạ, vâng

1.2. Dấu hiệu nhận biết âm /l/

1.2.1. “y” thường được phát âm là /j/

Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
yam n /jæm/ củ từ, khoai mờ
yes n /jes/ dạ, vâng
year n /jɪə(r)/ năm
yesterday adv /ˈjestədeɪ/ ngày hôm qua
young adj /jʌŋ/ trẻ, tuổi trẻ
yet adv /jet/ vẫn chưa
your determiner /jɔː(r)/ của bạn (từ sở hữu)
yellow adj /ˈjeləʊ/ màu vàng
yolk n /jəʊk/ lòng đỏ trứng
yak n /jæk/ bò Tây Tạng

1.2.2. “u” có thể được phát âm là /jʊ/ hay /ju:/

Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
humour adj /ˈhjuːmə(r) hài hước, hóm hỉnh
museum n /mjuˈziːəm/ viện bảo tàng
cucumber n /ˈkjuːkʌmbə(r)/ dưa chuột
commune n /ˈkɒmjuːn/ xã, công xã
cure n/v /kjʊə(r)/ chữa trị
pure adj /pjʊə(r)/ trong sạch, tinh khiết
during pre ˈdjʊərɪŋ/ trong suốt (quá trình)
curious adj /ˈkjʊəriəs/ tò mò, hiếu kỳ
furious adj /ˈfjʊəriəs/ giận dữ, mãnh liệt

1.2.3. “ui” có thể được phát âm là /ju:/

Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
suit n /sju:t/ bộ com-lê
suitable adj /’sju:tobl/ phù hợp
suitor n /’ sju:to(r)/ người cầu hôn, đương sự
pursuit n /pə‘sju:t/ theo đuổi

Ngoại lệ:

Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
tuition n /tuˈɪʃn/’ sự dạy học, học phí
suicide n /ˈsuːɪsaɪd/

1.2.4. “ea” có thể được phát âm là /j/

Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
beauty n /bju:ti/ vẻ đẹp
beautiful adj /bju:tɪfl/ đẹp đẽ

2. SOUND /w/

2.1. Cách phát âm âm /w/

Loại âm /w/ là một phụ âm hữu thanh
Cách phát âm Bước 1: Mở tròn môi, hơi chu miệng ra ngoài

Bước 2: Hai môi tạo vòng tròn nhỏ

Bước 3: Nâng lưỡi lên và nhanh chóng dịch chuyển hai khóe môi hướng về hướng tai để phát ra âm /w/.

* Lưu ý: Đây là một phụ âm hữu thanh nên thanh quản rung khi bạn phát âm âm này. Để kiểm tra xem mình phát âm có đúng không. Đặt bàn tay lên cổ họng và kiểm tra độ rung.

Hình minh hoạ
Ví dụ water /ˈwɔːtər/ nước
weight /weɪt/ cân nặng
wonder /ˈwʌndər/ thắc mắc
wave /weɪv/ sóng

2.2. Dấu hiệu nhận biết âm /w/

– w thường được đọc là /w /khi nó đứng đầu từ vụng hoặc đúng sau s, a.

Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
way (n) /weɪ/ cách thức, con đường
want (v) /wɒnt/ muốn
win (v) /wɪn/ chiến thắng
wing (n) /wɪŋ/ cánh
awake (adj) /əˈweɪk/ tỉnh giấc
award (n) /əˈwɔːrd/ giải thưởng
aware (adj) /əˈweə(r)/ nhận thức được
away (adv) /əˈweɪ/ ra phía xa
swim (v) /swɪm/ bơi
swan (n) /swɒn/ thiên nga

– Phát âm w trong cụm WH- question

WH luôn được phát âm /w/ khi nó không đứng trước O. Cụ thể như sau:

1. WH + U/E/A/I/… ⟶ WH đọc là /w/

2. WH + O + … ⟶ WH đọc là /h/, w là ầm câm


Từ vựng Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
what /wɒt/ cái gì
where /weə(r)/ ở đâu
why /waɪ/ tại sao
when /wen/ khi nào
which /wɪtʃ/ cái nào (lựa chọn)
white /waɪt/ màu trắng
whale /weɪl/ cá voi
while /waɪl/ trong khi

E.g. w là âm câm

Từ vựng Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
who /hu:/ ai, người nào
whom /hu:m/ ai, người nào
whose /hu:z/ của ai
whole /həʊl/ tất cả

Ngoài ra ta còn có w là âm câm trong các trường hợp sau:

Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
two (n) /tu:/ số 2
answer (v,n) /ˈænsər/ câu trả lời
wrap (v) /ræp/ gói, bọc lại
wreak (v) /ri:k/ tổn thương, làm hại ai
wreath (n) /riːθ/ vòng hoa
wreck (v) /rek/ sự phá hỏng
write (v) /raɪt/ viết
wring (v) /rɪŋ/ vắt nước

– Một số từ có cách viết không chứa w nhưng có phát âm w

Từ vựng Từ loại Phiên âm Ý nghĩa
one (n) /wʌn/ số 1
once (adv) /wʌns/ 1 lần
question (n) /ˈkwestʃən/ câu hỏi
quality (n) ˈkwɒləti/ chất lượng
qualification (n) /ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ phẩm chất, bằng cấp, chứng chi
quite (adv) /kwaɪt/ tương đối, khá là
quiet (adj) /ˈkwaɪət/ lặng, yên tĩnh
quarter (n) /ˈkwɔːrtər/ một phần tư
squash (v) /skwɒʃ/ nghiền nát, giẫm nát


Exercise 1. Look at the photo and write the correct word with /y/ or /w/.

1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________
5. ______________ 6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. ______________

Exercise 2. Underline the cluster /y/ and double underline the cluster /w/ in the following sentences. Then practise reading the sentences aloud.

1. My children enjoy watching the sunset on the beach.

2. Timmy maintains a youthful spirit through his love for adventure.

3. The early morning meeting made everyone yawn and struggle to stay awake.

4. Jane always keeps her driver’s license and credit cards in her wallet.

5. The silence in the big room made the atmosphere awkward.

6. The kids were not fully aware of the consequences of their actions.

7. The ice cream shop offers a variety of yummy flavors to choose from.

8. The movie received various awards at the international film festival.

9. I met my classmate for coffee yesterday and we had a great chat.

10. The sunny weather is perfect for a picnic in the park.

11. The team sets yearly goals to track their progress and achievements.

12. Our neighbors invited our family to have a barbecue in their yard.

13. The youngest contestant impressed the judges with her unique talent.

14. I found myself wandering in the garden, admiring the flowers and plants.

15. Josh s parents always worry about him when he travels alone.

Exercise 3. Complete the table with the correct experiences.

receiving a scholarship being bullied by peers attending a favourite concert making new friends
dealing with peer pressure not preparing for an exam winning a talent show having conflicts with friends
having a successful part-time job being a victim of gossip and rumors facing financial difficulties getting acceptance into a great college
Pleasant experiences Unpleasant experiences

Exercise 4. Look at the photo and put the correct words/ phrases under them.

dance with local people tour the campus take photos ride a jeep
see a gong show climb a mountain go snorkeling put up tents
1. ______________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________
5. ______________ 6. ______________ 7. ______________ 8. ______________

Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words/ phrases in the box in exercise 4.

1. Our children decided to ________________ to get a better sense of the university’s facilities.

2. While in Africa, our team ________________ to get close to the wildlife and observed them in their natural habitat.

3. The group of friends got up early in the morning to ________________ and watch the sunrise from its top.

4. We were lucky to ________________ in Vietnam, where skilled performers excitedly played this unique instrument.

5. Our classmates ________________ of the beautiful flora and fauna when visiting the national park last week.

6. The tourists arrived at the campsite and immediately started ________________ to prepare for the night.

7. While traveling in Brazil, we had a great opportunity to ________________ during a lively samba night.

8. We enjoyed ________________ in Ha Long Bay and seeing many colorful fish and coral reefs.

Exercise 6: Complete the following table

Verbs Past


Past participle Verbs Past


Past participle
1. forget 9. buy
2. come 10. find
3. eat 11. fly
4. write 12. hold
5. drive 13. begin
6. think 14. create
7. enjoy 15. bring
8. choose 16.leave

Exercise 7. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences.

1. Tom can’t go to school today because he _________ just _________ his leg.

A. was – breaking         B. will – break                 C. has – broken         D. have – broken

2. Christine _________ at that company since she was graduated from university.

A. has worked                 B. was working        C. worked                D. is working

3. Tina and Chris _________ together as a couple for over five years.

A. have been                B. are                        C. will be                 D. were

4. Jane _________ her exam results yet, so she is feeling very anxious about how she performed.

A. hasn’t receive         B. received                 C. didn’t receive         D. hasn’t received

5. I _________ three chapters of this novel so far, and I ‘m really enjoying it.

A. complete                B. have completed         C. has completed        D. am completing

6. She has cooked dinner for us every evening since we _________ in together.

A. moved                B. have moved        C. move                D. are moving

7. We _________ a final decision on the vacation destination yet.

A. have made                B. made                C. haven’t made        D. didn’t make

8. I _________ that series several times, and it never fails to entertain me.

A. have watched        B. had watched        C. watch                D. will watch

9. The football team _________ for their upcoming competition when the coach called for a break.

A. was practising         B. have practised         C. is practising         D. practiced

10. My daughter _________ on stage once, and it was such a memorable moment for her.

A. has performed        B. performed                 C. was performing        D. have performed

11. _________ you ever _________ any of these famous specialty dishes?

A. Have – try                B. Did – try                C. Will – try                D. Have – tried

12. The students _________ at the library when the fire alarm suddenly went off.

A. have studied        B. were studying         C. studied                D. would study

13. Jenny has been a member of the basketball team the beginning of the season.

A. since                 B. for                         C. yet                         D. once

14. Last summer vacation, they _________ a tropical island and immediately fell in love with this place.

A. have visited         B. were visiting         C. visited                 D. would visit

15. The company _________ recently _________ its operations to new international markets.

A. has – expanded         B. will – expand         C. had – expanded         D. was – expanding

16. This is the first time I _________ ever _________ to such a beautiful village.

A. have – came         B. was – coming         C. have – come         D. did – come

Exercise 8. Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets.

1. We _________________ several field trips since the beginning of the school year, exploring museums, historical sites, and science centers. (attend)

2. They _________________ paper, plastic, and glass for many years to reduce waste and protect the environment. (recycle)

3. I _________________ a team leader once and it was definitely a memorable experience with many lessons. (be)

4. I(never) _________________ dolphins swimming in the ocean before. (see)

5. I my research paper on environmental problems yet as I still need to gather more data. (not complete)

6. What _________________ (you) at the time the accident happened? (do)

7. Since I _________________ the language club, I have studied various foreign languages, including French, Spanish, and Mandarin. (join)

8. They _________________ astronomy for over a decade, observing celestial objects and mapping the universe. (study)

9. I _________________ down the street when I came across my old friend from high school. (walk)

10. Last year, the choir _________________ the golden award for their exceptional vocal performance. (win)

Exercise 9. Underline the mistake then rewrite the correct one.

1. He has played soccer for ten years and has won several championship with his team.

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

2. The company has recently began implementing new strategies to improve its efficiency.

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

3. I has already drunk three cups of coffee this morning.

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

4. He has received many compliments on his new shoes since he has bought them.

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

5. The community has recently came together to support those in need after the disaster.

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

6. I just have finished a relaxing yoga session to reduce my stress level.

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

7. Have you already worked on this project since three years?

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

8. Robots have developed the ability to dream or imagine yet.

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

9. I hadn’t heard from them since they changed their phone numbers.

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

10. Have ever they learned how to play a musical instrument before?

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

helpless on purpose unpleasant peers exhilarating
pleased experience by rote embarrassing by chance

1. The teacher encouraged her students to engage in active learning rather than relying solely on learning ________________.

2. During the bullying incident, I felt so ________________ and lonely, unable to defend myself.

3. I’m grateful that I always feel comfortable being myself around my ________________.

4. The company’ s CEO was very ________________ with the team’ s hard work and dedicati on.

5. They spread false rumors about Mr. Hung ________________ to damage his reputation.

6. It was very ________________ when I mispronounced a word during a public speech, and everyone noticed.

7. My different part-time jobs during university provided me with valuable work ____________ and social skills.

8. Luckily, I happened to find the perfect birthday gift for my sister ________________ while shopping online.

9. Lisa received a/an ________________ email filled with a lot of criticism and negativity.

10. After a challenging climb, the moment we reached the top of the mountain was ________________ and worthwhile.

Exercise 11. Circle the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1. The (exciting / touching) speech of the groom at the wedding brought tears to everyone’s eyes.

2. The (amazing / terrible) public speaking experience I had at the conference made me anxious about future presentations.

3. We took a meaningful (eco-tour / performance) that highlighted the importance of protecting endangered species.

4. As soon as the exam started, my mind went (blank / exhausted), and I couldn’t remember anything I had studied.

5. We used to (argue / agree) a lot, but we’ve learned to resolve conflicts without damaging our friendship.

6. Skydiving for the first time was a (thrilling / awful) experience that filled me with excitement.

7. Our company often organizes (team building / individual) activities to strengthen relationships among employees.

8. Our school motivated students and taught us how to effectively (fight / run away from) the bullies.

9. My graduation day was a/an (embarrassing / memorable) event, filled with joy and proud moments.

10. Developing essential (soft / technical) skills, such as time management and teamwork, can greatly enhance your professional growth.

Exercise 12. Complete the conversation with the correct word in the box.

participating species community amazing flora
sites dancing traditional experience course

Lisa: Hi Mark, how’s the summer (1) ________________ going?

Mark: It’s been (2) ________________ so far. I’ve learned so much about this village and its surroundings.

Lisa: Wow, that sounds interesting. What did you do there?

Mark: Well, we spent a lot of time exploring different (3) ________________ and learning about their history and nowadays life in the area.

Lisa: That must be fascinating. What were you most impressed with there?

Mark: Definitely the (4) ________________ and fauna. This place is full of unique plant and animal (5) ________________. We even had a botanist come talk to us yesterday and it was eye-opening.

Lisa: Amazing! What about the traditions and culture of the village? Have you learned anything new about them?

Mark: Yes, we’ve had some workshops on (6) ________________ crafts and music and even discussions with the elderly in the village.

Lisa: That’s such a great way to understand the (7) ________________. Have you been (8)in any activities too?

Mark: Of course! We’ve gone hiking, swimming, and even tried traditional (9) _____________.

Lisa: It sounds like an immersive (10) ________________. It’s great to hear that you have had a meaningful summer.

Exercise 13. Read the passage and choose the correct option to fill in each blank.

Secondary school was not a fun time with me due to my (1) ________________ experience of being bullied. It started with some teasing and name-calling, but then it got more serious with physical (2) ________________. There were a few times when I tried to fight back the bullies, but I always ended up getting (3) ________________ because they were bigger and stronger than me. The worst part was that none of my peers ever stepped up to help me, which made me feel so alone and (4) ________________. After a long time of suffering alone and keeping silence, I finally sought (5) ________________ from my parents. It took a lot of (6) ________________ for me to tell them what was going on, but I’m glad I did. They immediately contacted the school and demanded that they take (7) ________________ against the bullies. Finally, something was done, and the bullying stopped.

Looking back, I just wish I had spoken up sooner. I also think the school could have done a better job of (8) ________________ with the issue. Nowadays, there are more methods available for addressing bullying, and I hope that no one else has to go through what I went through.

1. A. exciting B. terrible C. magical D. joyful
2. A. violence B. exercise C. strength D. training
3. A. hurt B. ignored C. rejected D. upset
4. A. anxious B. guilty C. exhausted D. helpless
5. A. success B. connection C. help D. peace
6. A. encourage B. courage C. encouragement D. discourage
7. A. action B. act C. acting D. activity
8. A. connecting B. struggling C. dealing D. applying

Exercise 14. Read the text carefully and answer the questions.

Recently, Tom has just finished his summer course on 20th century literature, and he has had a great experience. Although he was nervous at first since it was a challenging subject for him, he ended up learning many new things and gaining a deeper appreciation for literature. One of the things that he loved most about this course was that he could have access to various texts from different countries and cultures. The students of the course learned American novels like “The Great Gatsby” and “To Kill a Mockingbird”, as well as works from Europe, Africa, and Asia. This helped them expand their knowledge of world literature and see how different writers express their ideas and experiences. Moreover, the learners also enjoyed the discussions they had in class. The teacher encouraged them to share their opinions of the texts. For example, after reading “Things Fall Apart”, the class talked about the impact of colonialism on African societies and how the main character’s actions were influenced by his culture. Listening to other students’ opinions helped Tom see the story from different angles and develop a better critical thinking.

The course wasn’t always easy, though. Some books had complex languages and themes that were hard to understand at first. Tom really struggled with “James Joyce’s Ulysses”, which is famous for its experimental style. It took a lot of time and effort to understand the book, but in the end, Tom was glad that he stuck with it because he was able to appreciate its creative use of language and structure. This experience taught him that sometimes you must work through difficult materials to fully appreciate their value.

1. What was the focus of the summer course that Tom took?

A. Poetry                                        B. Short stories

C. 20th century literature                        D. Classic novels

2. Which of the following did Tom’s class read?

A. novels from Europe, Africa, and Asia        B. plays from different countries

C. biographies of famous authors                 D. poetries from around the world

3. What did the class do after reading “Things Fall Apart”?

A. wrote essays about the book                 B. discussed the impact of colonialism

C. watched a movie based on the book         D. made a presentation about the book

4. What was the biggest difficulty Tom faced while taking the course?

A. having to read too many books

B. understanding the complex language and ideas in some books

C. expressing his opinions during the class discussions

D. completing the writing assignments after the class

5. What did Tom learn from reading “James Joyce’s Ulysses”?

A. the importance of patience and hard work

B. the value of having diverse opinions

C. the importance of experimental writing styles

D. the difficulty of understanding complex literature

6. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Tom’s course?

A. Some books were complex and hard to understand.

B. Tom could easily understand the book “James Joyce’s Ulysses”.

C. Tom enjoyed having access to texts from different cultures.

D. “The Great Gatsby” is an example of an American novel.

Exercise 15. Write the correct sentences using the suggested words. Use the present perfect tense.

1. I/ already/ speak/ / the manager/ the issue./

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

2. He/ play/ guitar/ since/ he/ tobe/ child./

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

3. The restaurant/ recently/ open/ our/ neighborhood./

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

4. She/ already/ visit/ three/ different/ countries/ this year./\

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

5. I/ not/ receive/ any/ response/ my/ job application./

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

6. you/ ever/ travel/ foreign country/ and/ experience/ its/ different/ cultures?

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

7. She/ not/ achieve/ goals/ despite/ efforts.

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

8. you/ ever/ step out/ your/ comfort zone/ and/ try/ other/ international/ cuisine?

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 16. Reorder the words to make a correct sentence.

1. We/ have/ problem/ yet./ a/ solution/ not/ the/ found/ to/

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

2. participated/ you/ ever/ challenging/ Have/ a/ in/ competition/ before?/

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

3. schedule./ have/ completed/ successfully/ my/ of/ ahead/ project/1/

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

4. They/ partnership/ a/ fanned/ hannonious/ have/ since/ they/ met./

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

5. I/ behavior/ seen/ haven’t/ improvement/ in/ his/ lately./ any/

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

6. We/ haven’t/ received/ any/ proposal/ our/ on/ feedback/ yet./

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

7. community./ for/ recently/ received/ an/ contributions/ He/ his/ outstanding/ award/ to/ the/ has/

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________

8. Have/ you/ skydiving/ tried/ or/ other/ any/ extreme/ ever/ sports?/

⟶ ___________________________________________________________________________



Exercise 1.

1. yoga

2. window

3. whale

4. yacht

5. whistle

6. yo-yo

7. wheel

8. yarn

Exercise 2.

1. My children enjoy watching the sunset on the beach.

2. Timmy maintains a a youthful spirit through his love for adventure.

3. The early morning meeting made everyone yawn and struggle to stay awake.

4. Jane alvays keeps her driver’s license and credit cards in her wallet.

5. The silence in the big room made the atmosphere awkward.

6. The kids were not fully aware of the consequences of their actions.

7. The ice cream shop offers a variety of yummy flavors to choose from.

8. The movie received various awards at the international film festival.

9. I met my classmate for coffee yesterday and we had a great chat.

10. The sunny weather is perfect for a picnic in the park.

11. The team sets yearly goals to track their progress and achievements.

12. Our neighbors invited our family to have a barbecue in their yard.

13. The youngest contestant impressed the judges with her unique talent.

14. I found myself wandering in the garden, admiring the flowers and plants.

15. Josh’s parents always worry about him when he travels alone.

Exercise 3.

Pleasant experiences Unpleasant experiences
receiving a scholarship; attending

a favourite concert; making new

friends; winning a talent show; getting

acceptance into a great college;

having a successful part-time job

being bullied by peers; dedling with

peer pressure; being a victim of

gossip and rumors; not preparing for

an exam; facing financial difficulties;

having conflicts with friends

Exercise 4.

1. take photos

2. dance with local people

3. tour the campus

4. go snorkelling

5. put up tents

6. climb a mountain

7. see a gong show

8. ride a jeep

Exercise 5.

1. tour the campus

2. rode a jeep

3. climb a mountain

4. see a gong show

5. took photos

6. putting up tents

7. dance with local people

8. going snorkelling

Exercise 6.

1.forget – forgot – forgotten

2. come – came – come

3. eat – ate-eaten

4. write – wrote – written

5. drive – drove – driven

6. think – thought – thought

7. enjoy-enjoyed – enjoyed

8. choose – chose – chosen

9. buy – bought – bought

10. find – found – found

11. fly – flew – flown

12. hold – held – held

13. begin – began – begun

14. create – created – created

15. bring – brought – brought

16. leave – left – left

Exercise 7.

1. C 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.A 11. 12.B 13.A 14. C 15.A 16.C

Exercise 8.

1. have attended 2. have recycled 3. have been 4. have never seen 5. haven’t completed

6. were you doing 7. Joined 8. have studied 9. was walking 10. won

Exercise 9.

1. championship ⟶ championships

2. began ⟶ begun

3. has ⟶ have

4. has bought ⟶ bought

5. came ⟶ come

6. just have ⟶ have just

7. since ⟶ for

8 have ⟶ haven’t

9. hadn’t ⟶ haven’t

10. ever they ⟶ they ever

Exercise 10.

1. by rote

2. helpless

3. peers

4. pleased

5. on purpose

6. embarrassing

7. experience

8 . by chance

9. unpleasant

10. exhilarating

Exercise 11.

1. touching

2. terrible

3. eco-tour

4. blank

5. argue

6. thrilling

7. team building

8. fight

9. memorable

10. soft

Exercise 12.

1. course

2. amazing

3. sites

4. flora

5. species

6. traditional

7. community

8. participating

9. dancing

10. experience

Exercise 13.

1. B

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. C

Exercise 14.

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. A

6. B

Exercise 15.

1. I have already spoken to the manager about the issue.

2. He has played the guitar since he was a child.

3. The restaurant has recently opened in our neighborhood.

4. She has already visited three different countries this year.

5. I haven’t received any response to my job application.

6. Have you ever traveled to a foreign country and experienced its different cultures?

7. She hasn’t achieved her goals despite her efforts.

8. Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and tried other international cuisines?

Exercise 16.

1. We have not found a solution to the problem yet.

2. Have you ever participated in a challcnging competition before?

3. I have successfully completed my project ahead of schedule.

4. They have formed a harmonious partnership since they met.

5. I haven’t seen any improvement in his behavior lately.

6. We haven’t received any feedback on our proposal yet.

7. He has recently received an award for his outstanding contributions to the community.

8. Have you ever tried skydiving or any other extreme sports?

Bài Tập Chuyên Sâu Tiếng Anh 9 Unit 5 Our Experiences Có Đáp Án
Bài trướcCác Dạng Toán Trắc Nghiệm Tích Vô Hướng Của Hai Vectơ Trong Không Gian Lớp 12
Bài tiếp theoCác Dạng Trắc Nghiệm Đúng Sai Tích Vô Hướng Của Hai Vectơ Trong Không Gian 12
bai-tap-chuyen-sau-tieng-anh-9-unit-5-our-experiences-co-dap-anBài tập chuyên sâu Tiếng Anh 9 unit 5 Our experiences có đáp án rất hay. Các bạn tham khảo và ôn tập chuẩn bị cho kỳ kiểm tra sắp đến.
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