Bài Tập Thực Hành Anh 10 Global Success Unit 10 Ecotourim Có Đáp Án


Bài tập thực hành Tiếng Anh 10 Global success unit 10 Ecotourim được soạn dưới dạng file word và PDF gồm 11 trang. Các bạn xem và tải về ở dưới


I. Put the sentences into the correct columns according to their intonation at the end of each one.

– Have you ever heard the term ‘biodegradable’?

– Many aspects of tourism are resonant in ecotourism.

– Did they finish their 100-day journey of planting trees?

– Where is ecotourism most popular?

– Are flora, fauna, and cultural heritage the primary attractions of ecotourism?

– Students can opt for a diploma in tourism in many schools.

– Do ecotourists recognize the great consumption of non-renewable energy?

– What are the goals of ecotourism in the world?

– Is ecotourism a great way to help keep the outdoors beautiful?

– Ecotourism is catching pace with other forms of tourism.

– Can ecotourism be a solution to our growing environmental problems?

– Why are ecotourism and sustainable travel important?

– Will you choose Viet Nam if you go on an ecotour?

– How ecotourism can benefit the environment?

– Are the students interested in real experiences in the middle of nature?

– Marketing is an essential component of the ecotourism industry.

– Is Costa Rica the best example of ecotourism destination?

– You can be a part of one of the fastest-growing industries.

– Do you strongly feel that the nature should be protected?

– When was the tourism industry widely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic?

Falling tone Rising tone

II. Decide whether each of the sentences in the following conversation has a falling tone (F) or a rising tone (R).

Albert: Are we heading for the National Park of Lower U Minh now? (____)

Local guide: Yes, we are. (____) We’re going to take a boat trip through the forest. (____)

Albert: Can I bring my fly-cam with me? (____)

Local guide: Sure, you can. (____) You’ll have beautiful pictures when shooting from high above. (____)

Albert: I’ve watched several video clips about U Minh forest before joining this tour. (_____)

Local guide: Where have you watched them? (____)

Albert: On YouTube. (____)

Local guide: What do you think? (____)

Albert: Straight canals and roads intervening eucalyptus trees look amazing. (_____)

Local guide: That’s just a little bit of pleasure. (____) We’re having more interesting activities. (____)

Albert: Do you mean fishing and following the residents to collect honey? (____)

Local guide: Yes, I do. (____)


I. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

mass tourism scenery smokeless industry sustainable tourism ecotourresponsible tourism crafts destinations brochure tourist attraction

1. __________ means the large number of tourists visiting the same place at the same time.

2. Can you design a travel __________ to introduce trekking tours in Da Lat to tourists?

3. Yok Don National Park is one of the best places to take a(n) __________ in the Central Highlands.

4. __________ means travelling by more sustainable methods and reducing your impact on the environment while still enjoying it.

5. Phung Hiep bamboo and rattan village in Hau Giang province is famous for its handmade ________.

6. __________ means tourists should make responsible choices about where, when and how they visit and explore a new location.

7. Visiting Ha Giang province, travellers are fascinated by remarkable mountainous __________ , golden rice terraces, and colourful ethnic markets.

8. Tourism industry has been named as a(n) __________ because it does not make or manufacture an actual product and is non-polluting.

9. Natural assets usually represent the main __________ , but they can be at risk of being over-exploited and poorly managed.

10. Costa Rica, Norway, and Kenya are three of the incredible eco-friendly __________ in the world.

II. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Ecotourism aims at minimal environmental (impact/ profit) on the areas visited.

2. There are endless possibilities for you to (explore/ keep) the natural world on your eco-adventure.

3. Local communities are often motivated to (damage/ protect) resources and adopt conservationist attitudes.

4. Many foreigners like catching fish and (trekking/ boating) in canals on the Mekong River.

5. Students can acquire necessary knowledge and skills during a (field trip/ boat trip).

6. (Mass/ Eco-friendly) tourism means using products and services which do not harm the nature in tourist spots.

7. Komodo National Park is seriously prepared as one of the ecotourism (departures/ destinations) in Indonesia.

8. Not only does ecotourism educate (businesses/ tourists) on the culture of locals, but it also promotes mindfulness and respect for nature.

9. The aim of (sustainable/ responsible) tourism is to increase the benefits and to reduce the negative impacts caused by tourism for destinations.

10. By the holidays, the (low/ high) season begins, hotels have a tendency to sell out at very high prices, and excursion tours are fully booked.

III. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. Tour _______ play a crucial role in tourism and are often described as hosts and ambassadors of the destination.

A. visitors B. travellers C. sightseers D. guides

2. Can a badly managed tourism industry have _______ effects that go beyond the environment?

A. friendly B. negative C. positive D. unfriendly

3. Mekong _______, well-known for its unique floating markets and maze of rivers and canals, has great potential for ecotourism.

A. Delta B. Reef C. Park D. Mountain

4. Is it better for the whole community if travellers _______ crafts to support local businesses?

A. do B. enjoy C. buy D. see

5. _______ whales and dolphins, a business available in over 120 countries worldwide, represents a significant proportion of an ecotourism market.

A. Watching B. Surfing C. Enjoying D. Driving

6. By supporting local artists and buying _______ made souvenirs, you can positively impact the community you visit.

A. worldwide B. internationally C. globally D. locally

7. _______ tourism refers to the movement of a large number of organized tourists to popular holiday destinations for recreational purposes.

A. Ecological B. Cultural C. Adventure D. Mass

8. Tourism is sometimes called a _______ industry because it’s not considered to be harmful to the environment.

A. sustainable B. smokeless C. profitable D. responsible

9. Eco-tourists should _______ local cultures while seeking to view rare species and spectacular landscapes.

A. respect B. damage C. experience D. exploit

10. The White Cliff’s _______, 5 km long, connects Xeo Sa Lung village and Ma Pi Leng village, is one of the best places in Viet Nam to have cloud-watching.

A. field trip B. walking path C. diving site D. camping site

IV. Supply the correct form of the word in the brackets.

1. The scenery in Switzerland is exceedingly attractive to __________ from all over world. (tour)

2. __________ is a particularly problematic issue in tourist areas, especially those on the coast. (litter)

3. Will you become a responsible __________ and give others tips to discover the world ethically? (explore)

4. Ecotourism has been increasingly promoted as an __________ appropriate form of tourism across the globe. (environment)

5. Is ecotourism more __________ in the long term than any other common use of the land? (profit)

6. To travel as an ecotourist, you should bring environmentally-respectful products, with a minimum of __________ . (package)

7. Ecotourism is distinguished by its emphasis on conservation, education, and traveller’s __________. (responsible)

8. __________ generates income for local communities, but it can cause problems to the environment. (tour)

9. Many projects have been conducted worldwide to restore __________ coral reef ecosystems. (damage)

10. One of the main goals of ecotourism is to increase the __________ that tourists have about the social conditions surrounding a travel destination. (aware)


I. Choose the correct option in the conditional sentences type 1.

1. If the objective (was/ is) to generate revenue, fees should be relatively high.

2. (Would/ Will) people be fined if they interrupt animals in the wild?

3. If you wish to go into town, we (can/ could) arrange transportation for you.

4. There is a good chance I (will/ might) get hurt if I go into a forest.

5. How (would/can) I know if I am having a holiday with a responsible operator?

6. The uncertainty effect will be greater if the initial goal (becomes/ become) obscure.

7. If you really enjoy travelling, you (would/ should) care about ecotourism.

8. Ecotourism activities (don’t/ can’t) take place unless there is some environmental impact.

9. An area can’t be designated as a national park if it (didn’t/ doesn’t) have potential biodiversity.

10. The development of ecotourism will be sustainable if religious ecology (is/ will be) present.

II. Choose the correct option in the conditional sentences type 2.

1. If I (am/ were) alone in a forest, I would not be afraid or frightened.

2. Tourism (would/ will) still continue to exist even if the restaurant was not there.

3. If I (stay/ stayed) in that hotel again, I would go for two days one night.

4. What would happen if all the rainforests in the world (disappeared/ disappears)?

5. My friends and family would be disappointed if I (leave/ left) this place sooner.

6. If ecotourism (isn’t/ weren’t) properly managed, the wildlife assets could be lost.

7. Hunting is not ecotourism, but (would it be/ it could be) if it met the sustainability criterion?

8. All the citizens of the world (were/ would be) grateful if you respected commandments of travel.

9. If I were managing the ecotourism project, I (can/ would) split the profits to preserve the environment.

10. Could the future life of local people potentially be threatened if the park (would be/ was) formed?

III. Match the sentences.

1. Tourists should use less water and turn off electricity a. is it alright to stand here?
2. Unless you have permission or reliable direction, b. ‘ecotourism’ would earn top prize
3. If there were awards for tourism phrases that have been misused, c. you must avoid picking wild fruits and flowers.
4. We will spend more time in the village d. tourism can help revitalize traditions, ethnic identity and language in local communities.
5. If differences between cultures are respected, e. if they don’t need it.
6. You shouldn’t remain in the parks or reserves between 7 pm and 7 am f. the resource base for ecotourism will be destroyed.
7. If I want to get a better picture of the hill, g. if they knew it was helping conservation.
8. Many visitors said they would be more likely to participate h. unless local residents are involved in decision-making process.
9. If the environment and its treasures are not maintained, i. and live there if it is possible.
10. Community participation cannot be accomplished j. unless accommodation is provided.

IV. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. Tourists _______ interested in participating in wildlife activities if they _______ available.

A. will be – were made B. would be – were made

C. would be – are made D. were – will make

2. If ecotourism _______ correctly, it _______ to an uneven distribution of income.

A. won’t be implemented – lead B. wasn’t implemented – will lead

C. isn’t implemented – can lead D. wouldn’t be implemented – led

3. Where would you definitely take me if I _______ you by bike?

A. came and visit B. come and visited

C. will come and visit D. came and visited

4. _______ precisely explained, the notion of ecotourism _______ the role of tourism in nature conservation.

A. Unless – will cloud B. If – would cloud

C. Unless – clouds D. If – clouded

5. If my trip _______ so polluting, why _______ on an ecotourism trip?

A. were – would I go B. would be – I went C. was – I would go D. were – will I go

6. Unless travel agents _______ in ecotourism, they _______ the product knowledge and motivation to promote it.

A. specialized – will lack B. specialize – would lack

C. can specialize – lacked D. specialize – will lack

7. If ecotourism _______ to generate more costs than benefits, it _______ local support for natural areas.

A. was perceived – may reduce B. would be perceived – might reduce

C. were perceived – will reduce D. is perceived – may reduce

8. If the community _______ to clean the environment, they _______ themselves.

A. joined – will destroy B. didn’t join – would destroy

C. joins – would destroy D. don’t join – couldn’t destroy

9. Ecotourism _______ a negative impact on the environment if the practices of the incoming tourists themselves _______ sustainable.

A. can’t have – aren’t B. will have – won’t be

C. can have – aren’t D. will have – weren’t

10. If the expectations of tourists already _____ in true, they _______ satisfied and potential to come again.

A. come – would feel B. came – will feel

C. came – would feel D. might come – felt

11. _______ waste problem always _______ if mass tourism _______ instead of ecotourism?

A. Would … occur – were developed B. Did … occur – was developed

C. Could … occur – would be developed D. Do … occur – will develop

12. If the visitor experience , there _______ a reduction in visitation that jeopardizes sustainability.

A. sufficiently degrades – would be B. is sufficiently degraded – will be

C. would sufficiently degrade – is D. will sufficiently be degraded – was

13. If I _______ a regular tourist, I _______ ancient cultural sites to gain a deeper understanding.

A. am not – perhaps visited B. weren’t – will perhaps visit

C. won’t be – perhaps visit D. weren’t – would perhaps visit

14. Ecotourism _______ significantly different from conventional tourism unless it _______.

A. won’t be – is carefully managed and controlled

B. can’t be – was carefully managed and controlled

C. was – would be carefully managed and controlled

D. wouldn’t be – could carefully manage and control

15. If wildlife conservation _______ in the ecosystem services, a desire for benefits _______ illegal hunting in the tour area.

A. results – would reduce B. resulted – would reduce

C. resulted – will reduce D. will result – will reduce

16. If I _______ to be truly environmental, I _______ more local travelling and _______ the foreign travel altogether.

A. was – would do – will skip B. am – will do – skipped

C. were – would do – skip D. will be – will do – skips

17. If the villagers _______ a comprehensive marketing strategy, they _______ their tourism industry.

A. developed – will increase B. develop – can increase

C. developed – may increase D. develop – would increase

18. If a member of the community _______ out of work and in a poor economic situation, _______ immediately offered and given a job in the tourist area?

A. was – will he or she be B. would be – was he or she

C. is – will he or she be D. can be – would he or she be

19. If I _______ a hotel general manager looking to apply ecotourism principles into my business operations, I _______ for an expert for assistance.

A. were – would certainly look B. am – would certainly look

C. was – certainly looked D. be – will certainly look

20. If visiting tourists _______ misled by a destination image upon arrival to an advertised location, their disappointment _______ into bad reviews.

A. could feel – will translate B. felt – translated

C. might feel – translated D. feel – will translate

V. Choose the underlined port that needs correcting.

1. If you are a cyclist in a strong physical condition, you will need to adapting to the



2. If the differences are exploited, the commercialization of culture can disrupt and


degraded the culture of a community.


3. If the villagers were able to build their own boats, they could save money on purchasing


and repairing it.


4. The survival of many threatened species would not be possible unless there were no


direct conservation benefits of ecotourism activities.


5. Unless necessary, ecotourists shouldn’t use eco-friendly soaps and shampoos to protect


the local watershed.

6. If local organisations will be built and developed to manage the national park, the


benefits will be greater and more sustainable.


7. If improvements to the waste management system was made, they would find potential


solutions to coastline waste disposal.


8. Humans can be given diseases to wild animals, yet they would still try to touch a


monkey or ape if they had the opportunity.


9. If local residents and foreigners interact at an ecotourism venture, both can learn


from each other and enrich both of their experiences?


10. If all potential hunters had an economic stake in protecting wildlife, a positive loop of


increase benefits and wildlife could be created.



I. Choose the best answer to complete the dialogues.

1. – “_______” – “No, a tour guide took us into the national park.”

A. Where did you stay in the national park?

B. Who did you meet in your exploration?

C. How did you travel in the national park?

D. Did you explore the place yourselves?

2. – “_______” – “Certainly, Sir. How long are you going to stay?”

A. I want to check out please. B. Can I make a reservation?

C. Does the room rate include breakfast? D. How much does a suite room cost?

3. – “_______” – “Yes, but we didn’t try it.”

A. Let me help you with the luggage.

B. Did you forget any of your belongings?

C. Was there a pool at the hotel?

D. Did you have lunch in the hotel’s restaurant?

4. – “What did you do on the second day in Da Lat?” – “_______”

A. We went trekking. B. We didn’t enjoy it much.

C. It was a beautiful day. D. We departed in the early morning.

5. – “How long was your tour?” – “_______”

A. There were some foreigners in my tour. B. I liked my tour a lot.

C. My tour lasted two weeks. D. I didn’t spend much for my tour.

II. Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation.

____ Yes, they are. A tourist is a visitor who spends at least a night in the country visited while a traveler is someone who moves between different geographic locations, for any purpose and any duration.

____ Not really. This industry is closely associated and a part of the tourism industry. It is a key part of the tourism industry value chain. This industry is mainly driven by growing tourism, yet it caters to both tourists and travelers.

____ That’s interesting to know.

1 I hear some people say that tourism is a hospitality industry, but I don’t quite understand what the hospitality industry is.

____ Covering all the products and services? Is it bigger than tourism?

____ You say that hospitality industry caters to both tourists and travelers, so tourists are different from travelers, aren’t they?

____ Are there any other kinds of tourists?

____ A visitor is a person who visits a place for multiple reasons and not exclusively leisure.

____ That’s easy. Hospitality is a service industry. Hospitality is the industry covering all the products and services that serve travelers, tourists and all types of visitors.

____ What about a visitor?

____ Yes, there are still sightseers and excursionists. A sightseer is a person who is visiting interesting places, especially on holiday. And an excursionist is a visitor without an overnight stay, meaning that the arrival and departure occurs in the same calendar day.


I. Read the passage and choose the best answers to fill in the blanks.

Many countries around the world depend on tourism as their main industry in providing jobs in rural areas and (1) __________ in funds that would be otherwise out of their reach. Financial resources and employment are critical for local livelihoods and security. But as more and more countries focus on (2) __________ their tourism sites, they often encounter problems with overconsumption of their finite natural resources, pollution, and (3) __________ . This easily spirals into undesirable situations of negative impacts on the local environment and society.

Tourism as a fast-growing industry must follow the principles of (4) __________ in order to last long term while maintaining positive impacts for an area. In terms of environment, this means consumption of natural resources within (5) __________ limits, protecting biodiversity and making sure that essential ecological processes can take place, while providing a (6) __________ experience to visiting tourists.

A part of striving towards sustainability is also (7) __________ awareness about the unique natural features of an area and educating visitors about their sustainable management. This helps them to understand the rules set in place and (8) __________ differences.

1. A. bringing B. resulting C. donating D. looking

2. A. decreasing B. lessening C. expanding D. reducing

3. A. upgrade B. improvement C. promotion D. degradation

4. A. sustain B. sustainable C. sustainably D. sustainability

5. A. unacceptable B. acceptable C. disagreeable D. agreeable

6. A. pleasure B. pleasant C. leisure D. joy

7. A. gaining B. making C. raising D. keeping

8. A. respect B. exploit C. threaten D. endanger

II. Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions.

Eco and Sustainable Tourism

What is ecotourism?

Ecotourism is “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of local people.” Sometimes it is defined as a sub-category of sustainable tourism or a segment of the larger nature tourism market. It includes an interpretation/learning experience, is delivered to small groups by small-scale businesses, and stresses local ownership, particularly for rural people.

What is the difference between ecotourism and nature-based travel?

While nature-based tourism is just travel to natural places, ecotourism provides local benefits – environmentally, culturally and economically. A nature-based tourist may just go bird watching; an ecotourist goes bird watching with a local guide, stays in a locally operated ecolodge and contributes to the local economy.

Where does sustainable tourism fit in?

Sustainable tourism embraces all segments of the industry with guidelines and criteria that seek to reduce environmental impacts, particularly the use of non-renewable resources, using measurable benchmarks, and to improve tourism’s contribution to sustainable development and environmental conservation.

1. Which of the following is an example of ecotourism?

A. Hiking in national parks

B. Visiting ancient cities

C. Fishing in the ocean

D. Going on elephant rides

2. The word ‘It’ in the first paragraph refers to _______.

A. ecotourism B. responsible travel

C. sustainable tourism D. tourism market

3. In what fields does ecotourism provide local benefits?

A. small-scale businesses

B. larger nature tourism market

C. environment, culture and economy

D. sustainable development and environmental conservation

4. The phrase ‘fit in’ in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.

A. keep in shape B. take place C. apply for D. suit

5. We can learn from the passage that the largest tourism category should be _______.

A. ecotourism B. sustainable tourism

C. nature-based tourism D. A and B


I. Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.

1. It takes five hours to drive from Vung Tau to Mui Ne.

A. We started to drive from Vung Tau to Mui Ne at five.

B. Mui Ne is about five hours in time from Vung Tau.

C. It takes you five hours going to Mui Ne from Vung Tau.

D. It’s a five-hour drive from Vung Tau to Mui Ne.

2. Don’t leave trash on the street or you’ll be heavily fined.

A. If you leave trash on the street, you won’t be heavily fined.

B. You won’t be fined because you didn’t leave trash on the street.

C. If you leave trash on the street, you’ll be heavily fined.

D. You left trash on the street so you will be heavily fined.

3. You should take a compass because you might be lost in that jungle.

A. In case you should get lost in that jungle, you’d better take a compass.

B. You took a compass, and you might be lost in that jungle.

C. Don’t take a compass because you couldn’t be lost in that jungle.

D. You shouldn’t take a compass as you might be lost in that jungle.

4. Janes will go crazy if she doesn’t visit the site as planned.

A. Visit the site as planned or Janes will go crazy.

B. Unless Janes visits the site as planned, she will go crazy.

C. Janes will go crazy if we don’t visit her at the site as planned.

D. In case Janes goes crazy, we should visit the site as planned.

5. I’d like to take a trekking tour more than any other types of tours.

A. I’d like to take all types of tours, but trekking.

B. I don’t like trekking as much as other types of tours.

C. Trekking tour is one of my favourite types of tours.

D. Trekking is the type of tour I’d like to take most.

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.

1. You can’t visit the UK unless you have a visa.

If you don’t

2. We don’t go on holiday because we don’t have free time.

If we

3. Unless you wear a life vest, you can’t get on the boat.

You can

4. He’ll work as a tour guide unless he finds a better job.

If he doesn’t

5. The escalator is out of service, so I have to walk.

If the escalator weren’t

6. She doesn’t hurry, so she misses the bus.

If she

7. We need to stop our cycling tour because it is raining.

If it weren’t

8. They will go out for breakfast if the hotel doesn’t have a restaurant.

Unless the hotel has

9. Thomas gets lost because he doesn’t follow the local guide.

If Thomas followed

10. I cannot call for help because my phone’s network is not available.

If my phone’s network were





Falling tone Rising tone
– Many aspects of tourism are resonant in ecotourism.- Where is ecotourism most popular?

– Students can opt for a diploma in tourism in many schools.

– What are the goals of ecotourism in the world?

– Ecotourism is catching pace with other forms of tourism.

– Why are ecotourism and sustainable travel important?

– How ecotourism can benefit the environment?

– Marketing is an essential component of the ecotourism industry.

– You can be a part of one of the fastest- growing industries.

– When was the tourism industry widely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic?

– Have you ever heard the term ‘biodegradable’?- Did they finish their 100-day journey of planting trees?

– Are flora, fauna, and cultural heritage the primary attractions of ecotourism?

– Do ecotourists recognize the great consumption of non-renewable energy?

– Is ecotourism a great way to help keep the outdoors beautiful?

– Can ecotourism be a solution to our growing environmental problems?

– Will you choose Viet Nam if you go on an ecotour?

– Are the students interested in real experiences in the middle of nature?

– Is Costa Rica the best example of ecotourism destination?

– Do you strongly feel that the nature should be protected?

II. Albert: Are we heading for the National Park of Lower U Minh now? (R)

Local guide: Yes, we are. (F) We’re going to take a boat trip through the forest. (F)

Albert: Can I bring my fly-cam with me? (R)

Local guide: Sure, you can. (F) You’ll have beautiful pictures when shooting from high above. (F) Albert: I’ve watched several video clips about U Minh forest before joining this tour. (F) Local guide: Where have you watched them? (F)

Albert: On YouTube. (F)

Local guide: What do you think? (F)

Albert: Straight canals and roads intervening eucalyptus trees look amazing. (F)

Local guide: That’s just a little bit of pleasure. (F) We’re having more interesting activities. (F) Albert: Do you mean fishing and following the residents to collect honey? (R)

Local guide: Yes, I do. (F)


I. 1. Mass tourism 2. brochure 3. ecotour 4. Sustainable tourism

5. crafts 6. Responsible tourism 7. scenery 8. smokeless industry

9. tourist attraction 10. destinations

II. 1. impact 2. explore 3. protect 4. boating 5. field trip

6. Eco-friendly 7. destinations 8. tourists 9. sustainable 10. high

III. l. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. B

IV. 1. tourists 2. Littering 3. explorer 4. environmentally 5. profitable

6. packaging 7. responsibility 8. Tourism 9. damaged 10. awareness


I. 1. is 2. Will 3. can 4. will 5. can

6. becomes 7. should 8. can’t 9. doesn’t 10. is

II. 1. were 2. would 3. stayed 4. disappeared 5. left

6. weren’t 7. would it be 8. would be 9. would 10. was

III. 1. e 2. c 3. b 4. i 5. d 6. j 7. a 8. g 9. f 10. h

IV. l. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. C

11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. B 18. C 19. A 20. D

V. 1. D (adapt) 2. D (degrade) 3. D (them) 4. B (if)

5. B (should) 6. A (can) 7. B (were made) 8. A (can give)

9. C (can both learn) 10. C (increasing)


I. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C

II. I hear some people say that tourism is a hospitality industry, but I don’t quite understand what the hospitality industry is.

That’s easy. Hospitality is a service industry. Hospitality is the industry covering all the products and services that serve travelers, tourists and all types of visitors.

Covering all the products and services? Is it bigger than tourism?

Not really. This industry is closely associated and a part of the tourism industry. It is a key part of the tourism industry value chain. This industry is mainly driven by growing tourism, yet it caters to both tourists and travelers.

You say that hospitality industry caters to both tourists and travelers, so tourists are different from travelers, aren’t they?

Yes, they are. A tourist is a visitor who spends at least a night in the country visited while a traveler is someone who moves between different geographic locations, for any purpose and any duration.

What about a visitor?

A visitor is a person who visits a place for multiple reasons and not exclusively leisure.

Are there any other kinds of tourists?

Yes, there are still sightseers and excursionists. A sightseer is a person who is visiting interesting places, especially on holiday. And an excursionist is a visitor without an overnight stay, meaning that the arrival and departure occurs in the same calendar day.

That’s interesting to know.


I. l. A 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A

II. l. A 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B


I. l. D 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. D

II. 1. If you don’t have a visa, you can’t visit the UK.

2. If we had free time, we would go on holiday.

3. You can only get on the boat if you wear a life vest.

4. If he doesn’t find a better job, he will work as a tour guide.

5. If the escalator weren’t out of service, I wouldn’t have to walk.

6. If she hurried, she wouldn’t miss the bus.

7. If it weren’t raining, we wouldn’t need to stop our cycling tour.

8. Unless the hotel has a restaurant, they will go out for breakfast.

9. If Thomas followed the local guide, he wouldn’t get lost.

10. If my phone’s network were available, I could call for help.

Bài Tập Thực Hành Anh 10 Global Success Unit 10 Ecotourim Có Đáp Án
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bai-tap-thuc-hanh-anh-10-global-success-unit-10-ecotourim-co-dap-anBài tập thực hành Tiếng Anh 10 Global success unit 10 Ecotourim rất hay giúp các bạn ôn tập và cũng cố kiến thức một cách có hiệu quả.
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