Bài Tập Review 3 Anh 10 Global Success Có Đáp Án


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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

1. A. relation B. active C. select D. today

2. A. remote B. product C. opportunity D. job

3. A. provide B. organise C. life D. tradition

4. A. present B. medical C. women D. accept

5. A. guide B. region C. gender D. general

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

1. A. powerful B. primary C. important D. recently

2. A. female B. teacher C. honour D. reject

3. A. create B. rugby C. healthy D. knowledge

4. A. qualified B. encourage C. discover D. particular

5. A. conclusion B. summary C. development D. behaviour


Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences.

1. FAO’s main aim is to end hunger and poverty by making sure all people have access to healthy food.

A. path B. admission C. attack D. procedure

2. Good nutrition or getting the right type of food is essential for normal growth and development.

A. proper B. convenient C. disadvantageous D. unfair

3. Our country commits to working closely with these organisations to achieve their aims.

A. attentively B. mostly C. nearly D. strictly

4. Our responsibility is to help the children in remote areas in which the facilities are not good enough for them to study and live.

A. irrelevant B. slight C. distant D. unlikely

5. Vietnam is an active member of many international organisations.

A. busy B. enthusiastic C. vibrant D. vital

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences.

1. Sport can be used as a powerful tool to reject gender roles and build a healthy lifestyle.

A. potent B. energetic C. effective D. powerless

2. She has recently qualified as a coach and life skills trainer for this sport programme.

A. empowered B. trained C. prevented D. restricted

3. Rugby and other sports can’t help change the expected behaviour of males and females in Fiji.

A. predicted B. unexpected C. awaited D. anticipated

4. Kitiana Kaitu is now one of the highly skilled coaches who are discovering new ways to encourage both girls and boys in Fiji to play rugby.

A. inexperienced B. trained C. professional D. knowledgeable

5. Joining international organisations will bring many benefits to a country.

A. advantages B. achievements C. disadvantages D. export

Give the correct forms of words in brackets.

1. The UN’s organisations provide opportunities for children, (ABLE) ______ people and poor people to improve their lives.

2. Two million people in the city live in very great (POOR) ______.

3. The countries in one area have always been (COMPETE) ______, but they’re also very supportive of each other.

4. A lot of people die of (HUNGRY) ______ all over the world every day.

5. I didn’t get much of (IMPRESS) ______ of the school because I was too small to remember everything.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences.

1. Our company has gained _____ benefits from selling local products.

A. economy B. economics C. economic D. economical

2. There are many new learning _____ which students can take part in at schools now.

A. activities B. materials C. resources D. regulations

3. Men and women should be _____ equally at work.

A. treat B. treatment C. treating D. treated

4. More men are now taking jobs _____ done by women.

A. tradition B. traditionally C. traditional D. traditionalism

5. _____ gives girls the opportunity to have a better life.

A. Educate B. Educator C. Education D. Educational

6. He bought all the materials _____ he needs for his English course.

A. that B. who C. whom D. whose

7. You can find a lot of _____ websites to learn English.

A. harmful B. healthy C. useless D. helpful

8. You can check your _____ right after you complete the online exercises or tests.

A. outcomes B. results C. achievements D. incomes

9. We can _____ paper because textbooks, assignments and dictionaries are all digital.

A. save B. waste C. earn D. use

10. I think online learning is easier and more effective because it allows us _____ at our own pace.

A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned

11. In the Pacific Island of Fiji, a new sport programme enables both male and female school teachers _____ training as coaches.

A. receive B. to receive C. receiving D. received

12. Indonesia is _____ country in Southeast Asia.

A. more developing B. most developing

C. the most developing D. the more developing

13. No one in the online course is _____ than him.

A. the most hard-working B. hard-working

C. the more hard-working D. more hard-working

14. The new teacher _____ teaching method is interesting is loved by most students in the class.

A. whose B. which C. that D. who

15. The activities _____ students like to join are role-plays, projects and stories.

A. whose B. which C. whom D. who

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

1. They bought the most cheapest cake in the restaurant last week.


2. Anna told me about her new job, that she’s enjoying very much.


3. Child marriage also carries serious healthy risks as young girls are not physically developed to


give birth.


4. It particularly aims supporting the most disadvantaged children all over the world.


5. When they leave school, they should have the necessary skills and know to work in


a fast-changing world.



Turn the sentences into the passive voice:

1. Parents shouldn’t keep their children at home all the time.

=> ____________________________________________________________________________.

2. No one can treat girls unequally.

=> ____________________________________________________________________________.

3. The government should give more girls the opportunity to have a better life.

=> ____________________________________________________________________________.

4. They have to tidy up the room after the lesson.

=> ____________________________________________________________________________.

5. My best friend can do these exercises very quickly.

=> ____________________________________________________________________________.

6. They must show their identity cards when they enter the park.

=> ____________________________________________________________________________.

7. Noone will water my plants when I am in Paris.

=> ____________________________________________________________________________.

8. You may choose the way you live.

=> ____________________________________________________________________________.

Combine two sentences using relative pronouns “who, which, whose, that”

1. A waiter served us. He was impolite and impatient.

=> The .

2. A building was destroyed in the storm. It has now been rebuilt.

=> The

3. A woman lives next door to me. She is a doctor.

=> The .

4. They told me everything. It was the truth.

=> They .

5. That lady is my mother’s friend. Her son is learning Arabic.

=> That

6. Some people were arrested. They have now been released.

=> The .

7. The machine broke down. It is working again now.

=> The .

8. I met my old friend. His wife is a famous actress.

=> I .

Give the correct forms of adjectives in comparatives or superlatives

1. I’d like to have a (reliable) ______ car. The one I have is too old.

2. Unfortunately the problem was (serious) ______ than I expected.

3. I prefer this bed to the others. It’s (comfortable) ______.

4. This is (enjoyable) ______ holiday I’ve ever had.

5. I love living in the country. It’s (peaceful) ______ than living in a town.

6. She had (interesting) ______ performances among the participants in the show.

7. Kate doesn’t study very hard. She’s (interested) ______ in having a good time.

8. What’s (important) ______ decision you’ve ever made?

Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings, using the given words

1. This movie is more boring than the ones I’ve ever seen.

=> This is

2. This coffee is the best one I’ve ever tasted.

=> I’ve never .

3. This room is the most luxurious in the hotel.

=> No room .

4. This picture is more valuable than any other pictures in the museum.

=> This picture .

5. No sport is more popular than football in my town.

=> Football .


Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

1. Casie is talking to her dad

Casie: Dad, I would like to be a nurse.

Dad: _____.

A. That’s not true. B. Don’t mention it.

C. I must say I like it. D. I’m afraid I disagree.

2. Casie is talking to her dad

Dad: It’s not easy to be a doctor.

Casie: _____.

A. Never mind. B. I know but I’m sure I can.

C. Can I help? D. Don’t be angry.

3. Casie is talking to Mai

Casie: Let’s go to see the concert tonight.

Mai: _____.

A. See you then B. I don’t mind doing it.

C. OK, what time? D. I love walking.

4. Casie is talking to Mai

Casie: Mai, I’m sorry for not going shopping with you this afternoon.

Mai: _____.

A. Great! B. Never mind. Another time.

C. I have a lot of time. D. Yeah, I’ll be there on time.

5. Casie is talking to Mai

Casie: I have a problem with my exercises. Can you give me some advice?

Mai: _____.

A. I’d recommend asking your teacher.

B. It will be great if you can do it.

C. It’s my turn.

D. Show me your way.


Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Have you heard about the great flood? Perhaps you have heard about a man named Noah, who built a huge boat to escape the flood. In this legend of the great flood, water covered all the land, killing most of the people and animals on Earth. Only Noah’s (1) ______ family, including his wife, three sons, and the sons’ wives, survived the flood, along with all of the animals on his boat. After the flood waters receded, the people and animals on Noah’s boat set about repopulating the Earth. This legend of Noah and his family is familiar to many people. However, it is not the only legend about a great flood. Actually, many cultures have similar stories about a great flood that wiped (2) ______ almost everyone on Earth.

Many people today believe that the great flood is only a legend. (3) ______, other people say that the striking similarities among all of the flood legends suggest that a real flood covered the Earth at some point long ago. In fact, some scientists (4) ______ that the ancient flood waters are now frozen in glaciers at the poles of the Earth. But why do the legends disagree with each other? The flood happened long before humans could write, so the story of the flood could only be (5) ______ through generations by oral retellings. As the story was passed by word of mouth, it may have changed as various cultures learned the story. This may explain why some parts of the legend differ. Through careful examination of similar elements in these legends, however, certain facts about an accident catastrophic flood may be revealed.

(Adapted from Reading Challenge 3 by Casey Malarcher and Andrea Janzen)

1. A. immediate B. extended C. nuclear D. present

2. A. down B. off C. out D. away

3. A. In addition B. Nonetheless C. On the contrary D. In contrast

4. A. speculated B. have speculated C. speculate D. are speculating

5. A. altered B. converted C. perpetuated D. bequeathed

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

The coronavirus pandemic has increased the necessity of digital and online learning, as most school and college students have spent longer periods at home than in school. Many educationalists and parents have been calling for children to go back to the classroom. There is the perception that no form of digital learning experience can surpass the classroom experience.

A study called “Online Education Platforms Scale College STEM Instruction With Equivalent Outcomes at Lower Cost” has found that students learned just as much in online STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) college courses when compared to traditional classroom settings. The reason for the STEM focus is due to a current shortage of highly skilled professionals in these areas. These are sectors seen as important for global recovery.

In making this point for the relative success of e-learning, Cornell University researchers say that online learning can also be delivered at a fraction of the cost of the traditional school setting (around an 80 percent reduction, on average). Similar savings (albeit only 20 percent) can be made from a hybrid approach. The study used some 300 students based in Russia. To evaluate the data, scientists the researchers developed a controlled, randomized trial to test if students learned as much in online classes compared with traditional in-person classes. It was found that final exam scores did not differ significantly among the three versions. Another benefit is where activity-based online learning, rather than lecture-based, enhances student creativity.

Despite the equivalency in learning outcomes, there are other aspects of attending school or college that cannot be adequately catered for online. It was discovered that online students were less satisfied with their course experience compared to students in in-person and blended classes.

(Source: https://www.digitaljournal.com/)

6. Which could be the best title for the passage?

A. Efficiency of Online Education

B. A New Approach to Education

C. The Core of Online Learning

D. A Necessity in Time of the Pandemic

7. The word “These” in paragraph 2 refers to _____.

A. college courses B. STEM areas

C. professionals D. classroom settings

8. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Hybrid approach is a mix of digital and face-to-face learning sessions.

B. E-learning can address the issues of running costs and instructor shortages.

C. Physical classroom requires more creativity than the online classroom does.

D. Students who struggle in offline classrooms will struggle in online learning.

9. The word “equivalency” in paragraph 4 mostly means _____.

A. consistency B. congruity C. similarity D. alignment

10. What can be concluded from the passage?

A. Many colleges, including Cornell University, have embraced digital learning.

B. New research appears to contradict the general viewpoint about online learning.

C. Online course-taking is more effective than a traditional classroom in all respects.

D. Online education demands a big commitment in terms of time, effort, and money.



I. l. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C

II. l. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A

III. 1. equally 2. economic 3. peace 4. violent 5. injure

6. engineering 7. poverty 8. parachuted 9. educational/ education

10. investors 11. medicine 12. necessary 13. assist 14. operation

15. disadvantaged 16. relations 17. accessible 18. promoting

19. Economists 20. experienced

IV. l. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B

8. C 9. B 10. A 11. C 12. D 13. B 14. C 15. A

V. 1. to 2. on 3. over/ around 4. in 5. for

6. about 7. with 8. out 9. on 10. from

VI. 1. are 2. have disproportionately suffered 3. continued

4. lost 5. remained 6. were

7. was born 8. is 9. became

10. was playing 11. has graduated 12. ends

13. will help 14. have been faced 15. are

16. has worked 17. will impact 18. are still held

19. made 20. haven’t been granted

VII. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. C

11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. C 16. B 17. D 18. D 19. B 20. A

VIII. 1. C (those) 2. D (violations) 3. C (which)

4. D (is known) 5. B (entered/ has entered) 6. B (fundamental)

7. B (the most) 8. D (than that of men) 9. A (access to)

10. C (could be paid)

IX. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. A

X. 1. education 2. vulnerable 3. gains 4. public

5. focused 6. recovery 7. which 8. crisis



XII. 1. Will local UNDP Country Offices be as supportive as they have been?

2. Hybrid learning provides many significant benefits to students who take these programs.

3. Today, women athletes compete regularly and many of them become elite sportswomen.

4. Women are more likely to receive lower wages than men for an equal amount of work.

5. The European Union is one of the most important sources of foreign investments for Viet Nam.

6. The unemployment rate for young women in the past decade was higher than that for young men.

7. UNESCO’s missions aim to protect girls and women from harassment, misconduct and abuse.

8. Can the headmaster create course templates that all teachers at our institution will follow?

9. Any student who has any symptoms of illness must go home and anyone in contact must be notified.

10. As soon as the first cases of coronavirus were confirmed, WHO developed an international response plan.


1. Students whose obligations demand flexibility want to take blended courses.

2. Boys consistently suffered stunting more often than girls did.

3. Gender equality must be taken into consideration when policies are created.

4. Will it be possible (for us) to keep the energy prices in the future as cheap as at present?

5. We have been to the doctor’s offices that have posted precautionary measures.

6. With ADB’s available data, women earn less than men in almost all Asian and Pacific countries.

7. Renewable technologies have become the most economical solution in a growing number of countries.

8. Women who worked in IT assistant jobs suffered more gender discrimination.

9. In addition to a training programme, a follow-up programme ought to be designed to reach more people.

10. There is a rare opportunity to design an education system which is suitable for all needs.

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